Edna Cintron the Waving Woman of 911 (via Aotearoa: a wider perspective)

As a lot of people are hitting my blog and especially the one with the tittle: 9/11 and the Twin Towers: Sudden Collapse Initiation was Impossible I have decided to repost the post I wrote on Edna Cintron, the lady who was standing in the hole made by a plane holding on to the steel […]

Oh Shit John Key’s not going to like this: Goodbye Bank Of America Settlement

BofA bought Merrill Lynch in September 2008. Rumours abound that Paulson the then Goldman Sachs Secretary of treasury pressured the BofA to buy Merrill Lynch and a good part of the TARP bailout went into making up for the losses of Merrill Lynch.  Merrill Lynch had been a trailblazer in the Derivatives and Bonds trade […]

Revolution is a Potluck

by Cindy Sheehan First of all, don’t worry, I am not advocating violent overthrow of the Robber Class in this piece—now that your mind is eased (or disappointed), I will go on. Today, Peace of the Action, and our Re-Creating Revolutionary Communities or Bust Tour is wrapping up near Yosemite in bucolic (and hot), Oakhurst. […]

Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports today police sources have confirmed that hours before Anders Behring Breivik launched his deadly attack at a political summer camp on Utøya island on July 22, police had conducted a drill for a “practically identical scenario.” “Sources within the top level management of the police in Oslo have confirmed to […]

Libya, Sharia law, Boots on the ground and turbo Capitalism. Confused? You shouldn’t be this is what Neo-colonialism looks like and John Key loves it!

This morning I found a link to an article on the heritage blog. This blog which belongs to the rampantly right wing  hardcore Christian US group the Heritage movement links to a leaked document called a draft Libyan constitution which seems to have been build on Sharia law. There is not way to verify if […]

Troll attack!

Regular reader may have been confused by individuals leaving creepy messages on this blog and even a request of Mallard to give me information about John Key. It has now been established that these are in fact hijacked identities and that these individuals themselves have nothing whatsoever to do with these remarks. The same hackers […]

Bank of America, 911, Gold and the total collapse. Nothing can stop it now!

Chavez wants his countries gold delivered to his doorstep and has announced he will Nationalise the gold production putting him like Gaddafi before him on the international bankster’s hit list. Were is it now? In NY. That is, of course it’s not, it’s in the cellars of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and assorted hangers […]

Sick of high food prices and thought you could grow your own food and barter your way through the collapse?

Sick of high food prices and thought you could grow your own food and barter your way through the collapse? Think again because the NWO has come up with a genius solution to keep you hooked into the system. Selling your veggies through a coop or bartering with your neighbours with the excess eggs your […]

Psychopaths and big money – it all adds up

  John Key anyone? Expand Commerce students returned ‘significantly higher primary psychopathy scores than science or arts majors’. Photo / Thinkstock Psychopaths prefer commerce degrees – that’s the finding of a world-first study examining university students’ personalities and course preferences. Victoria University students with higher scores for psychopathy traits tended to opt to study commerce, […]

Architect and Engineers for 911 truth new video!

Architects and Engineers for 911 truth just released this video presenting their case to a wider public. I challenge anybody to watch this and give me one good reason as to why I should call all of these Scientists,Fire fighters, Demolition experts, Architects and Engineers “conspiracy nutters”. One good reason based on real world science. […]

The plunge protection team has called it a day. Prepare for financial Armageddon!

Have you ever wondered that no matter how bad the markets collapsed for some reason on every Friday they seemed to rally and go back up again? If you had noticed this strange but welcome (For traders at least) phenomena you have seen the activities of what is colloquially known as the Plunge protection team. […]

If we devalue the punishment system does that mean we’ll reintroduce the Guillotine for the real bad crimes such as plunder and looting on a biblical scale?

According to Andrew Neilson we are devaluing the punishment system by sentencing 16 olds for stealing two scoops of ice cream to go to prison for 6 months or 20-22 year olds for 4 years for making drunken jokes “inciting violence” on facebook which didn’t even happen as a result of that joke! This means […]