Who is going to be the next unelected Rothschild representative running our money supply?

This is what the founding fathers of the US had to say about private banks running the money supply. Bollard who has been the unelected Rothschild representative running this country’s money supply needs to be replaced apparently. So here are the contenders. Anyone with knowledge about these individuals such as connections with the trilateral commission […]

U.S. plans to send ‘floating commando base’ to Mideast, documents show

Another old tub ready for decommissioning converted for sacrifice as a false flag target as the Zionist regime bullies the world towards WWIII. The United States plans to send a converted battleship to the Middle East that will serve as a “floating base” for commando operations in the region, the Washington Post reported on Saturday. […]

Pentagon Seeks Mightier Bomb vs. Iran

WASHINGTON—Pentagon war planners have concluded that their largest conventional bomb isn’t yet capable of destroying Iran’s most heavily fortified underground facilities, and are stepping up efforts to make it more powerful, according to U.S. officials briefed on the plan. The 30,000-pound “bunker-buster” bomb, known as the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, was specifically designed to take out […]

US drone operations anger Iraqis

Funny that! Especially with the war being over and all that BS. Washington’s unauthorized surveillance drone operations in Iraq have prompted outrage among senior Iraqi officials and the public. Iraqis say the US must respect the country’s sovereignty and consult with the Baghdad government before carrying out any operation now that “the war is over.” […]

New U.N. draft resolution gives Syria 15 days to comply

With the mudstream media publishing horror stories about Muslims treating women like dirt and even killing them for giving birth to the wrong gender babies to keep up the hate of Muslims the countdown to WWIII pushes ahead. Just to put these horror stories in perspective here are a few pointers to a more moderate […]

ACTA = Global Internet Censorship – Now Even Foreign Governments Will Be Able To Have Your Website Shut Down

So you thought we had one a temporary reprieve in the ongoing war in keeping our internet free and and open. Think again. Global Internet censorship is here.  SOPA and PIPA have been stopped (at least for now) in the United States, but a treaty known as ACTA (the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is far worse […]

How the Banks Broke the Social Compact, Promoting their Own Special Interests

By Prof. Michael Hudson The inherently symbiotic relationship between banks and governments recently has been reversed. In medieval times, wealthy bankers lent to kings and princes as their major customers. But now it is the banks that are needy, relying on governments for funding – capped by the post-2008 bailouts to save them from going […]

MILITARY JUSTICE: The Bradley Manning “Article 32 Hearing”

Last month, at the massive Fort Meade army installation, Private First Class Bradley Manning, who grew in Crescent, OK, finally had his “day in court” – actually, seven days of a military “Article 32 hearing.” The outcome of those hearings is that Manning will stand trial for “aiding the enemy,” among other charges, which could […]

Former NSA Chief Called CIA ‘Out of Control’

No kidding! The CIA is “out of control” and often refuses to cooperate with other parts of the national security community, even undermining their efforts, said former National Security Agency head William Odom, according to a recently released record of a 9/11 Commission interview. By Sharon Weinberger “The CIA currently doesn’t work for anyone. It […]

New drone has no pilot anywhere, so who’s accountable?

Who gives a flying fuck!!! (No pun intended) “We are an empire now and we make the rules and our own reality” Carl “Turdblossom” Rove The Navy’s new drone being tested near Chesapeake Bay stretches the boundaries of technology: It’s designed to land on the deck of an aircraft carrier, one of aviation’s most difficult […]

DNA sample to be taken from students before SAT college entrance exams

Get acclimatised to being a slave tagged and marked and in serious debt for trying to get an education. Standardized testing is a common method by which colleges and universities evaluate the competency of applying high school students. But an increasing amount of students are cheating on such tests, which has caused lawmakers in New […]

16 Statistics Which Show That The Number Of Americans Dependent On The Government Is At An All-Time High

If this does not terrify you you have not been paying attention. What will happen to these 150 million people when the welfare system collapses? A higher percentage of the American population is receiving government benefits than ever before.  Yes, there have always been poor people that have needed our assistance, but what does it […]

Greece Politely Declines German Annexation Demands

That didn’t take long did it? What’s next? Without the annexation there is not going to be a bail out so prepare for the collapse of the Global financial system when Greece defaults and Portugal, Italy and Spain follow. Following yesterday’s frankly stunning news that the Troika politely requests that Greece hand over its first […]

Fast-tracked oil consents bypass mayor, public

Just in case you still think you’re living in a Democracy! Gisborne Council officials have already granted exploration consents to Canadian oil companies without seeking public approval – or consulting their own mayor. The Sunday Star-Times revealed two weeks ago that a joint-venture between TAG Oil and Apache believed there was potential to build “thousands” […]

1917: J.P. Morgan bought US corporate media to be 1%’s lying sacks of spin?

Congressman Oscar Callaway lost his Congressional election for opposing US entry into WW 1. Before he left office, he demanded investigation into JP Morgan & Co for purchasing control over America’s leading 25 newspapers in order to propagandize US public opinion in favor of his corporate and banking interests, including profits from US participation in […]

Selling War: “You Furnish the Pictures, and I’ll Furnish the War.”

By Stephen Lendman Throughout its history, America glorified wars in the name of peace. From inception, they’re perpetuated against one or more domestic or foreign adversaries. They include mass killing, assaults and abuse. Pacifism’s called sissy or unpatriotic. Propaganda insists America’s peace-loving. In fact, more than ever today, it’s addicted to permanent war and violence. […]

The small world of 9/11 players: LS2, Vidient and AMEC

From Kevin Ryan’s blog and as always seriously detailed: Detailed investigation reveals unexpected connections among people who played critical roles related to the attacks of September 11, 2001.  Earlier articles have covered some of those connections with respect to the World Trade Center (WTC) and the official reports which were produced to explain the WTC […]

Willy Rodriques on Rosie’s radio show: the last man out is still standing and talking about 911

William Rodriques is a hero. He was the last man out alive when the North tower he worked in collapsed in free fall speed on 911. He only survived because he was able to dive under a fire engine and had to be dug out after the tower had collapsed. 20091106_rosieodonnell_williamrodriguez.mp3 He was the last […]

Iran gives Europe the finger and takes away the oil or how you don’t fuck with the Persians

If the sorry parade of European poodles – or what analyst Chris Floyd delightfully dubbed Europuppies – had any understanding of Persian culture, they would have known that blowback for their declaration of economic war in the form of an Iranian oil embargo would be nothing short of heavy metal. Better yet; death metal. The […]

Helga’s bar or how building a financial empire on broke alcoholics is not a good idea (unless you get bailed out by non-drinking middle class idjits)

Here is a dummies guide to what went wrong in Europe: Helga is the proprietor of a bar. She realizes that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no longer afford to patronize her bar. To solve this problem, she comes up with a new marketing plan that allows her […]

Even Israel Admits that Iran Has Not Decided to Build a Nuclear Bomb

The intelligence assessment Israeli officials will present later this week to [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin ] Dempsey indicates that Iran has not yet decided whether to make a nuclear bomb. The Israeli view is that while Iran continues to improve its nuclear capabilities, it has not yet decided whether to translate […]

Pregnant orang-utan protectively hugs her daughter as ruthless Borneo bounty hunters move in for the kill

This fills me with infinite sadness. As bounty hunters with bush knives entrapped them in a circle and moved in for the kill, the only thing this mother orang-utan could think to do was to wrap a giant protective arm around her daughter. The pair seemed to be facing a certain death as a gang […]

The Silent Anschluss: Germany Formally Requests That Greece Hand Over Its Fiscal Independence

Once when we were on holiday in Greece on the Island of Crete we visited a restaurant to have a drink we were sitting outside and it was a warm and beautiful night and we were talking to some of the locals. One of the people we were talking too asked if we were Germans […]

2-minute video: USS Enterprise false flag target for US War Criminals to attack Iran?

Iran’s nuclear energy and medical isotopes are all legally accounted for in IAEA inspections with zero evidence of unlawful use of nuclear material or technology; President Obama leads the lies of “Iran’s weapons” for another criminal war. Mr. Obama also leads the lies that Iran’s president threatened Israel when the speech is absolutely clear he […]

Are George Soros, The IMF And The World Bank Purposely Trying To Scare The Living Daylights Out Of Us?

So far Soros has a finger in every dirty pie, no compunction about manipulating global events and entire Nations so I’m not in any doubt he is doing exactly that. But I also think that we are indeed heading to collapse and chaos. Over the past couple of weeks, George Soros, the IMF and the […]