New Badge: John Key Is A Total Banker!

Today I decided to add another badge to my collection. As per my new policy you are free to use it on a one of bases as an Avatar or profile picture on facebook but please respect my need to support my blog and don’t use it for anything else. Let’s face it John Key […]

John Pilger’s War By Other Means.

To understand what is happening in Greece and how they are being bullied into accepting the same role we have traditionally assigned to the “developing” countries you have to understand how these third world countries we so diligently tried to “help”arise from poverty were in fact paying more EVERY DAY in interest payments to the […]

On Demonstrations They Don’t Want You To Know About! 200 – 250.000 People In Anti Austerity March In London!

While a photo of “ISIS” “Terrorists” cutting off peoples hands, throwing people off buildings or otherwise performing hideous acts of violence are splashed all over the frontpage, demonstrations as large as 40.000 to 250.000 people all over Europe never make it to the news papers at all here! So I thought I’d start showing them […]

Ten Ways In Which Hillary Clinton And Jeb Bush Are Basically The Same Presidential Candidate

In 18 Months the US votes for their next President. The two main candidates are Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Yep, the son and the brother of Presidents Bush 1 and 2. Here is an interesting article about why the two are basically the same candidates: Now that Jeb Bush has officially announced his intention […]

While You Where Distracted The US Congress Gave Obama Fast Track For The TPPA

10 days ago Obama suffered a serious loss when Congress denied him a vote he needed to push the TPPA through. This week a teenage kid shot 9 people in a black church and the media talked of nothing else. Make no mistake, this was a terrible terroristic act and it deserves our unmitigated condemnation […]

Will Greece Declare Their Debt an Odious One? If So, Prepare For Glorious Helter Shelter!

Those of you who read my blog regularly may have seen the term odious debt mentioned in some of my earlier posts on Greece. In fact I have argued that with John Key being a Wall street banking insider heaping huge amounts of debt on our shoulders he was in fact making sure that debt […]

Greece misses IMF payment in warning shot as showdown with Europe escalates

Odious debt doesn’t need repayment according to international law! Greece is to take the drastic step of skipping a €300m payment to the International Monetary Fund on Friday, invoking an obscure mechanism in abeyance since the 1970s to bundle all debts due in June and pay them at the end of the month. It is […]

How Obama’s ‘Trade’ Deals Are Designed to End Democracy

By Eric Zuesse U.S. President Barack Obama has for years been negotiating with European and Asian nations — but excluding Russia and China, since he is aiming to defeat them in his war to extend the American empire (i.e, to extend the global control by America’s aristocracy) — three international ‘trade’ deals (TTP, TTIP, & […]

Russia Gets Very Serious on “De-dollarizing”. The Russia-China “Silk Road” Strategy

By F. William Engdahl (Always an interesting read) Russia is about to take another major step towards liberating the Ruble from the Dollar System. Its Finance Ministry just revealed it is considering issuing Russian state debt in Chinese Yuan. That would be an elegant way to decouple from the dependence and blackmail pressures from the […]

TTP, TTIP, TISA: Stop Obama’s Insane “Legacy” Trade Deals

By Eric Zeuse President Obama has many times made clear to congressional Democrats that the most important thing in the “legacy” that he hopes to leave behind from his Presidency is his big-three ‘trade’ deals: TPP with Asia, TTIP with Europe, and TISA for international services including banking and insurance.  It is, indeed, the most […]

Interview with Rabbi Dovid Weiss: Zionism has created ‘rivers of blood’

Most people think that you are anti Semitic if you reject Israel and Zionism. Apart from the fact that most people calling themselves secular Jews are not Semites at all but descendants of Ashkenazi Jews making that accusation nill and void, here is what Rabbi Dovid Weiss has to say about it.  

On Bonds And Casino Capitalism Or Why It Pays To Fail.

Definition of Casino capitalism: The kind of high-risk- high-reward behaviour indulged in by former high street bankers and many others which helped lead to the ongoing economic crisis This week the government announced that they planned to issue “Social impact” bonds to pay for mental health care. While they present this as a way to […]

Wondering Why Politicians Vote Against The People? NSA Blackmail Might Be your Answer.

In this excellent and well sourced post Washington’s blog details how the NSA collects data in order to blackmail and terrorise people it doesn’t like but also how sexual (mis)conduct from high profile politicians and judges, to name a few, is being used to blackmail them into voting and judging court cases to suit the […]

Introducing Social Bonds Or How National Is Privatising Health Care

This week, only a week after they closed relationship Aotearoa, the government announced that they were introducing social bonds to private investors. They are doing so to allow private investors the chance to invest in mental healthcare. The idea is that people invest in these bonds and only if the results are measurably positive will […]