We’ve Gone from a Nation of Laws to a Nation of Powerful Men Making Laws in Secret

Funny how around the Western world our “leaders” think it’s OK to go into Urgency, or hide behind secret laws and security to keep people from knowing the laws they are supposed to obey. Preface: Some defendants are no longer allowed to see the “secret evidence” which the government is using against them. See this […]

Inside Job: An inside view of John Key’s world and how he and his bankster mates stole the world.

In the unauthorised biography (the page on which he was quoted as saying it has been taken off line, John Key says there must be more to life than this meaning he wanted to enter the exiting world of New Zealand’s politics instead of the high strung world of Wall streets scamsters and remember how […]

Welcome To Hyperinflation Hell: Following Currency Devaluation, Belarus Economy Implodes, Sets Blueprint For Developed World Future

You think prices are pinching you now?? “A ‘91-style meltdown is almost inevitable.” So says Alexei Moiseev, chief economist at VTB Capital, the investment-banking arm of Russia’s second-largest lender, discussing the imminent economic catastrophe that is sure to engulf Belarus following the surprise devaluation of the country’s currency by over 50%, which we announced on […]

People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center Without Anyone Noticing

Preface: This essay does not argue that bombs brought down the Twin Towers or World Trade Building 7. It simply addresses the often-made argument that no one could have planted explosives without people noticing. Tightrope walker Philippe Petit snuck into the World Trade Center with a friend in 1974 with massive amounts of equipment, smuggled […]

Two Nuclear Reactors Were Damaged by the Earthquake, BEFORE the Tsunami Hit … and the Entire Nuclear Reactor Design Is Flawed

Bloomberg reported last week: A radiation alarm went off at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima nuclear power plant before the tsunami hit on March 11, suggesting that contrary to earlier assumptions the reactors were damaged by the earthquake that spawned the wall of water. A monitoring post on the perimeter of the plant about 1.5 […]

First Egypt and now Spain. Social unrest as economies collapse is going to spread everywhere.

As predicted by Gerald Celente in the beginning of this year Social unrest is spreading to Spain and other countries in Europe. This is only just the beginning of the disasters awaiting Europe in the next two years. As the money supply dries up and the inflation of food and fuel prices continues and poverty […]

Fukushima: Three reactors in Meltdown and no end in sight. I wonder if John Key knows his house in Hawaii is contaminated.

If there was ever a moment in time I was truly relieved not to leave any offspring on this planet after I’m gone it must be now. No child of mine will be subjected to the uncontrolled radiation of three reactors spewing their poison over this our only planet, our home. TEPCO has finally admitted […]

There is always one who has to brag: We can cause Tsunamis killing a 120 million people!!!

Looking at the man I could not escape the impression that he had a couple of vodka’s to many before he did the interview but be that as it may his assertion that only four centres of power really mattered (Washington, Peking, Moscow and Brussels) and the fact that he openly asserts the possession of […]