The collapse of WTC 7 and the new law of physics as discovered by NIST.

My dear mother in law of almost 80 just called me up to tell me that the NIST rapport was actually mentioned in the Waikato times. In the middle of the middle section, some were buried. The WTC 7 collapse was part of the biggest attack on the US. Two Kiwi’s were killed that day and New Zealand has send some 160 soldiers each year to Afghanistan as a result of the attacks on that day.It has taken the federal NIST 7 years to find out what happened to the building. I would have thought that it warranted front page billing.

Of course not many Kiwi’s actually know there was a third building which collapsed at the WTC site named “ground Zero” on 911.This building was WTC 7. A 47 floor steel framed high rise it collapsed around 5:20 local time. The time most Kiwi’s would be deep asleep and since the pictures were only shown on that day; life and uncontrollable only those actually watching the events life on that day have any recollection of its collapse in freefall speed of less than 6.5 seconds. It has taken the NIST seven years and three years of “intensive” study to come up with an explanation as to why this steel framed Skyscraper, the only one ever, would collapse into a pyroclastic flow in 6.5 seconds in freefall speed into it’s own footprint with the steel columns and floor  span systems in neat lengths ready to be loaded up on trucks and shipped off to China for recycling. Apparently some of it turned up in Olympics games mementos. You can see the collapse here:

So how could this have happened?

Thanks to a newly discovered law of physics by the National Institute of Standards and Technology or NIST it is now possible for all of us to become a controlled demolition expert. All you need is a couple of gallons of gasoline, start a couple of office fires and wait for the building to collapse neatly into its own footprint. I think I will apply for a permit on Monday and start my new business imploding buildings because I love to see buildings implode and I hear you can ask big bucks to do it.

This amazing phenomenon is the “fourth law of movement” or the “NIST law of movement“. According to the scientists at NIST a key factor leading to the eventual collapse of WTC 7 was thermal expansion of long-span floor systems at temperatures “hundreds of degrees below those typically considered in current practice for fire resistance ratings. In other words; the LONG-span floor systems heated up due to low temperature office fires and magically expanded and broke all the welded connections around a column, the column unsupported started to buckle and bingo, cascading floor collapses ensued bring the building down into its own footprint within 7 sec.

I would like to name this new phenomenon  the Hulkification Phenomenon in honour of the comic book figure “the hulk”. Who every time he got overheated with justified indignation would bulk up, turn green and go on a rampage.

As the comic book character the Hulkification Phenomenon shares another important characteristic with the Hulk; it suspends Newtons laws of Physics. An awesome feat I hope you will agree with me. Everything we have taken for granted  for all these centuries and worded so simply, poof up in smoke and we have NIST to thank for discovering it; The Hulkification Phenomenon.

But serious, is this how it could have happened?

Let’s start at the beginning: What was WTC 7 and perhaps more important what was housed in WTC 7?

WTC 7 was a huge 47 floor Sky scraper higher than the Sky tower in Auckland. It was house to amongst others a CIA head quarter and Giuliani’s safety bunker. The building had been strengthened to the point that it could withstand a nuclear blast and it was build like a building within a building, this is what Larry Silverstein had to say about it:

”We built in enough redundancy to allow entire portions of floors to be removed without affecting the building’s structural integrity, on the assumption that someone might need double-height floors,” said Larry Silverstein, president of the company.

Yet NIST would have us believe that due to a unique construction the building could pulverise in mid air within 7 sec. due to low heat office fires that burn around 20 minutes in any given environment until the office contents have burned up after which it goes on to burn somewhere else.

Added to that the rapport and other material the NIST offers is so meagre in support for their bizarre claim that it is almost as if they have given up and are trying to tell people that their “Investigations are a total sham.

For example:

  • The NIST has not been able to investigate steel from the building because the crime scene was destroyed and all the steel was shipped off to China to be recycled.
    This is very serious; how can you find out what really happened to a building if none of the building remains to be examined. Ho can you find out what caused this incredibly anomalous collapse if there is no way to determine if explosives have been used for example?

    But then the NIST tells us that computer modelling and testing was enough to be able to draw their conclusions. That is all fine but then show us the computer models used and show us why their conclusions are scientific and conclusive  yet they offer only an unscientific video animation.

  • NIST’s rapport states that they did not consider a controlled demolition realistic and therefore did not investigate this possibility because there were no explosions loud enough to support that hypotheses.
  • For starters there are numerous videoed witness testimonies about explosion, about foreknowledge and even two witness testimonies confirming a huge explosion in the lobby before the second plane hit the building totally destroying the lobby. Without the building collapsing I might add until 8 hours later. What’s more in an Italian documentary two policemen who are talking to the mother of one of them get just about blown of their feet by explosions as the building commences to collapse. When they want to go to the building the get stopped by some fire fighters and when they say, “the building is coming down,” the fire fighters clearly know already, in fact they are saying so.

What is also strange is that the NIST is contradicting the FEMA and Popular Mechanics magazine. Traditionally the PM and FEMA and NIST support each others theories and try to form a front but the NIST rejects the “gutted building’ Theory PM offered and the “raging fire” that FEMA proposed.

Remember it was raging fires that collapsed the Twin Towers.

In the mean time Richard Gage and his Team of Architects and Engineers have already rebutted the NIST’s claims and we can expect a full analysis from the around the 7th of September just in time to take it to the streets on the 11th.

In closing I would like to invite you to watch this haunting interview with Barry Jennings, a black Muslim man in charge of some of the security around the complex as he recounts the events of that day when he with Mr. Hass ended up locked up in building 7 after a huge explosion blew out the first 6 floors in the morning of 911.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

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