Hang a banker a day until they get it?

When a mayoral candidate for the city which houses the most deregulated criminal bankster gang uses the slogan: Hang a banker a day! to get him elected I would be extremely worried as a bankster.

Here are Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with episode 252 of their show on the very subject of Livingstone and his battle cry!

And it seems a lot of them are (hat tip NZRose):

Romanian prime minister and cabinet resign en masse
Global bank resignations
Resignations Global Banks ….
1 World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns
2 Anz Bank CFO Australia resigns
3 Nicaraqua Central Bank Pres Rosales resigns
4 Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns
5 GERMAN PRESIDENT Christian Ruff resigns
6 Royal Bank of Scotland Austrailin CEO Stephen Williams resigns
7 Kuwait Central Bank CEO resigns
8 Slovenia TWO largest Banks CEO’s (2) resign
9 Bank of India CEO Chaturvedi resigns
10 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO resigns
11 GOLDMAN SACHS CEO Blankenfein to resign (Nothing printed on this yet UNLESS this JUST happened. Last article said he is not stepping down in 2011).
N.C. banking official resigns
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=13&ved=0CDg QFjACOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsobserver.com%2F2 012%2F02%2F15%2F1855967%2Fnc-banking-official-resigns.html&ei=6HxCT8bUJNLy2gWwz6GSCA&usg=AFQjCNG leDoGYbSQrE_4mggScv3D9yxQ-w
13. Switzerland’s central bank chief resigns
Mass Resignation of the Proxies: Why Are So Many Key Financial Figures Waiving the White Flag?
(some are repeats on this list)
Here are the recent resignations in chronological order:
February 6, 2012: Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits: http://www.livemint.com/2012/02/06160111/Dhanlaxmi-Bank-CEO-Amitabh-Cha.html
February 10, 2012: Tamilnad Mercantile Bank MD resigns: http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/tamilnad-mercantile-bank-md-resigns/464259/
February 13, 2012: Kuwait central bank chief resigns amid political tensions: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/industries/kuwait-central-bank-chief-resigns-amid-political-tensions/2012/02/13/gIQAcxrOAR_story.html
February 14, 2012: Nicaragua’s Central Bank President Antenor Rosales quit admist row:Nicaragua Central Bank Head Quits Amid Row – Bloomberg
February 15, 2012: Slovenia’s Two Biggest Banks’ CEOs Step Down: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-15/slovenia-s-nova-kreditna-banka-maribor-ceo-plos-resigns.html
February 15, 2012: World Bank President Zoellick Resigns: http://business.time.com/2012/02/15/world-bank-president-zoellick-resigns/
February 16, 2012: CFO of ANZ Bank Resigns Amid Turmoil: http://www.proformative.com/news/1470243/cfo-anz-bank-resigns-amid-turmoil
February 16, 2012: Royal Bank of Scotland’s Stephen Williams quits the role: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/wall-street-journal/andrew-chick-to-lead-royal-bank-of-scotlands-australian-arm/story-fnay3vxj-1226272513981
February 17, 2012: Credit Suisse’s Private Bank Chief Asian Economist Tan Resigns:Credit Suisse’s Private Bank Chief Asian Economist Tan Resigns – Businessweek

2 thoughts on “Hang a banker a day until they get it?

  1. That sounds like a great place to start , real justice for about $10 worth of rope.
    And also we need a legal expert to write up a document that we as individuals can sign telling the Government of the day that we will not guarantor the money that THEY borrow .From the Government budget advise site ,it goes like this …
    “When you guarantee a loan you make a legal promise to step in if the person who borrowed the money doesn’t make the repayments.”

    So if John Key borrows the money John Key owes the money !

    How can we live within our means if someone is borrowing millions a week allegedly in our name ?

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