On High Tech, Export and Renovation or how New Zealand lives in LaLa land

What gets me when I read articles such as this one from Bernard Hickey and Labour finance spokesman David Parker is their disconnect from reality and their utter naivete.

Fro some reason these two people who are in the forefront of New Zealand’s political discourse have not seem fit to do any research beyond their narrow view of how the world works. They don’t seem to understand that the global system as it has functioned in the last 60 years is in terminal decline.

They don’t investigate, try to understand the underlying fraud that is the global financial system and to think that these people are what most people in New Zealand listen to is hideous as it does not do anything to prevent us being drawn into the vortex of destruction that is upon us.

They don’t seem to know for example that in Greece towns have to feed prisoners on a volunteer basis otherwise they starve. Their military on their bases are running out of food. Their power grid is on the verge of collapsing, they don’t have medicines any more and yesterday Spain announced it needs a bail out for their banks and Italy is one the way.

That means that in two months their prisoners are going to be starving and their power grids will be on the way out.

Here is a nice chart which shows how much money is needed and how much is available. No money, no food, no power grid.

No power grid means no water, no food (as in no fridges) and there is on average perhaps one to two days of food in the supermarkets but according to the baltic dry index global trade is taking another huge hit indicating that the unsustainable system of trying to feed a population with food grown halfway across the planet is collapsing.

All major countries reinstated their border controls some time ago in order to prevent large population movements.

People in need of water and food do not think of flatscreen TV’s and that is an understatement.

People in need of water die within three days and those in need of food turn to cannibalism in a week.

We are not talking about a depression here. Take Holland for example (recently downgraded too).
Holland’s population is 17 million people. The country produces nothing as all their factories have been moved to China (which by the way is collapsing too). In order to feed the population the country needs a bout 70 times more arable land than it currently has. It imports everything it needs from South America, Africa and other countries with a surplus of land and produce.

As our current financial system collapses under the weight of the Derivatives bubble the money flow created as debt will dry up (See Greece as example) and people will start to die. It is that simple.

That is the reality of Europe and America (100 million unemployed) and China (Bejing alone 50% more empty houses than the entire US).

There will be no soft landing. There will be starvation, social mayhem as the global population plunges back to what the globe can actually sustain and a rude awakening that perhaps flat screen TV’s and the latest video game are not as important as the TV ads made them out to be.

Unless… unless every Nation takes back its own money printing system and starts investing in their populations own infrastructures to revive economies locally. But with agenda 21 waiting in the wings that is not going to happen. Our leaders don’t want that. They want us dead. To them we are Cockroaches and useless eaters.

Maybe the two men who lure NZ into a slumber with their happy talk should read my blog once in a while to stay up with the real news/

One thought on “On High Tech, Export and Renovation or how New Zealand lives in LaLa land

  1. you are incorrect – and in a way – although i see you are concerned please get your facts straight and do some research – the body can live a long time without water or food – people may or may not turn to cannibalism either way that comment whether yours or another is scare mongering and there is enough fear around – it might interest you to know that there are lots of good initiatives growing up around this necessary economic collapse perhaps you would be better off looking at some of them – the future is not as dire as you make out – it can be – of course it can – but it doesn’t have to be – you are correct however in your assessment of politicians they are so behind the times in what they read and belief that they are busy trying to keep this whole mess from collapsing not realizing that it needs to ….its time is over – and NZzzz also will be affected ….the way forward is almost visible …..don’t panic and don’t incite fear – let go your anger – its a good indicator of who and what you are not …but don’t let it frame every thing ….look around for all the good things coming out of this and remember

    necessity is the mother of invention

    Without water. Without food

    Jenese, Read my about and self-martyrdom and getting banned. And never ever tell me what I can and cannot write on my blog.

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