On 650 dead dolphins, acoustic testing and the last 55 Maui dolphins.


John Key did not want to meet with citizens trying to gain attention for the last remaining 55 Maui dolphins. He said he had to pay attention to the problems of his own electorate. If you want more proof that John key doesn’t give a fuck about Maui dolphins or any other creature which will be impacted by the planned destruction of their habitat and that includes the people living along the coast I don’t know what because part of John key’s elecorate is its coast which is part of the Maui dolphin territory.

In the mean time here, here and here is some of the horrifying news that is not reaching our mainstream media on what impact ecological disasters and acoustic testing have on dolphins. With acoustic sea testing going on in New Zealand I hope we will not see the last 55 Maui dolphins float on to our beaches,


7 thoughts on “On 650 dead dolphins, acoustic testing and the last 55 Maui dolphins.

    • By the way you should check out this blog. It is an incredibly passionate blog about whales and dolphins and their plight.

      Thanks for the link Jeff, much appreciated!

  1. Wow that is beyond terrible….. If this does happen to the Maui dolphins we will know exactly what the cause was. I can’t believe Donkey has the nerve to market NZ as “Clean, green and 100% pure” when really it’s “for sale, owned and 100% profit”.

    I say we kill the bastard and be done with it…

    • While I respect your freedom of speech and I can appreciate the sentiment I would like for you to appreciate that this website and it’s owner follow the Gandhi path and do not support calls for the assassination of political leaders even in jest.

      But yes it would be hideous and a clear sign that our current political leadership has no compunction about our natural ecosystems.

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