On the Joker, Exercises and DARPA or Why What Happened in Aurora is Very Creepy

When the News broke that in Aurora James Holmes had barged into a late night showing of the latest Batman movie shooting indiscriminately into a dark theatre after throwing in a tear gas grenade, it was generally accepted that once again a madman who picked up one of those easily available guns and engaged in a binge of mass shooting and killing mayhem for no reason other than that he could.

But now that the smoke has blown away and people are beginning to look into what happened it turns out the situation is not as clear cut as it was presented in the MSM.

Here are some links you might want to explore:

  • A school in Aurora held an exercise mirroring the events later that day in the movie theatre.
    Other major events which were surrounded by exercises mirroring events were 9/11 and 7/7 to name some of the biggest.
  • James Holmes had multiple connections with institutions such as DARPA (In fact his father and grand father were connected to the army and intelligence), studied temporary illusions while a student  in neuroscience.
  • James Holmes was on Psychotropic drugs
  • It turns out that the FBI warned as early as May 17 about a theatre  attack.
  • In America these days it is not so easy to buy full body armour, automatic guns and plan events such as this as every arms sale is registered and internet spying on civilians is extensive.
  • In several news paper articles a second person is described as the person who gave him access to the Theatre.
  • James Holmes appeared heavily sedated on his arraignment.
  • The judge presiding over the Batman case, sealed the case which means public scrutiny is impossible

2 thoughts on “On the Joker, Exercises and DARPA or Why What Happened in Aurora is Very Creepy

  1. Pingback: On Rage, Hanging Bankers And Blair or Why we Should start To Arrest Bankers. Seriously! « NESARA AUSTRALIA

  2. these events fall into 2 broad categories, copy-cat, or psy-ops. There is a study on this in a read-only CD called ” Deceit and Terrorism at Port Arthur. ” Available from Sunrise AV in Nanango QLD for A$25. Very good journalism.
    At a glance, psy-ops have a markedly higher kill:wounded ratio than copy-cat events.
    If there was a parallel mock emergency training event, it for sure is psy-ops. I think these must be included as a control, to guage the efficiency of information suppression, and the degree of maleability/timidity of the population which is aware of the true nature of the event.
    The big headline is, our police do not go after these criminals

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